MT-QRA-BL- Quick Release Adaptor (Black)
  • MT-QRA-BL- Quick Release Adaptor (Black)

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Item #: MT-QRA-BL
Reg. Price: $69.99
Our Price: $49.99
MT-QRT - Tubbie Tripod
MT-QRT - Tubbie Tripod

Use your Tubbies anywhere.Designed to work with our Quick...


Just pull the pin and go! Our new Quick Release Adaptors allow you to securely mount your Tubbies to any of our mounting clamps, swivel them into any position, lock them, and enjoy clear, quality sound. Then just pull the pins to release the speaker. With our new Quick Release Adaptors, your music can follow you anywhere, quickly and conveniently! (Compatible with ALL Tubbie clamps and mounting systems)

Click here to see our COMPLETE Quick Release Tripod Kit.


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